Concept: Valentin Burkhardt, il Civetto, Ella Estrella Tischa
Director: Valentin Burkhardt
Cinematography: Manuel Meinhardt
Editing: Maximilian Raible
Art Direction: Klara Mohammadi
(for more, check Youtube credits)
Music video Trilogy for Il Civettos Album - facing the wall
A Musician in a writers block, trapped by his own pattern, changing nothing, afraid of the System and Society, represented by masked plaster figurines. Gradually he tries to oppose them and his own fears, until finally he's defeating them with his music.
More Info and Music:
Director: Valentin Burkhardt
Cinematography: Valentin Burkhardt & Julian Schmitt
Cinematography & Edit: Valentin Burkhardt & Jannis Wollny
The dancers: Emma Mouton & Salomé Dizay